
A selection
from numerous articles in publications including Boekblad, Blueprint Magazine, Eye Magazine, Groene Amsterdammer, I.D. Magazine, Industrieel Ontwerpen, Items, NRC Handelsblad, Vormberichten and one-off publications.

‘ nóg beter dan de papieren krant’ ( even better than the physical newspaper)
Article about Le Monde’s independent website in the e-zine ‘De Nieuwe Reporter’.
click here

‘The Logo that should be a NO-GO’
I.D. The International Design Magazine. New York, May 2008

‘Vrucht van Samenwerking’ (The fruits of collaboration)
Review article looking back on a century of graphical design in
Grafisch Nederland 2007, the annual for the graphical design sector.

Lecturis 27. Karel Martens: counterprint
Eindhoven 2004
Foreword and editor

‘Between Frankfurter Allgemeine and Omo’
‘Messages from Outside the Village’
The Best Dutch Book Designs 2001, Amsterdam 2001
Two articles in the catalogue of Best Dutch Book Designs. Also guest editor.

‘Poster Protest’
I.D. The International Design Magazine. New York, February 2001
Article about ‘Wild Plakken’ (Lies Ros and Rob Schröder).

Lecturis 26. The street scene of Dublin, Amsterdam & Berlin.
Eindhoven 2000

‘Everything Is Design Is Nothing, The Paradox of the Museum of the Ordinary’
Talk at the international conference Design Beyond Design, organized by the Jan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht, November 1997. Paper published in a book in 1998(?).

‘100 years of SHV’
Eye Magazine, Spring 1997. Emap Architecture, 1997
Review of the SHV anniversary book designed by Irma Boom

‘De Gedachtensprong’ (The mental leap)
De Leesbare Stad. (The legible city) Amsterdam, Vormgevingsinstituut, 1996
Report of a study day organized by the Vormgevingsinstituut (Design Institute) on 25 January 1996.

Over Grafisch Ontwerpen in Nederland. Een pleidooi voor geschiedschrijving en theorievorming.
Rotterdam, Uitgeverij 010, 1996
(About graphic design in the Netherlands. Making the case for a history and theory), with Koosje Sierman.

‘The New Sobriety’
Eye Magazine, Summer 1995. London, Emap Architecture, 1995
Article about the latest developments in Dutch graphic design.

‘Anthon Beeke’
Eye Magazine, no. 13, Vol. 4, Summer 1994, pp. 10-16. London, Emap Architecture, 1994

Basel-Amsterdam-Los Angeles-Bordeaux. The European connection of the Pacific Wave.
it’snotwhatyouthinkitis cen’estpascequevouscroyez. pp 98-101
arc en rêve centre d‘architecture, Bordeaux/Artemis, Zurich, 1994
Contribution to the catalogue for an exhibition of April Greiman.

Introduction to the Netherlands
Who’s Who in Graphic Design. Zurich, Benteli-Werd Verlags AG, 1994

‘Stilte na de Storm’
Industrieel Ontwerpen, Vol. XI, Jul-Aug 1993, pp. 40-44. Delft, Stichting in-form, 1993
Final issue of the magazine IO before it merged with Items, also catalogue for the exhibition in Frankfurt am Main.

Hoe ziet gevoel eruit? Elf docenten over lesgeven, kunst en vormgeving (What does emotion look like? Eleven teachers on teaching, art and design)
The Hague, Royal Academy of Art, 1993
Anniversary publication of the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague.

Typographie Hollandaise (Dutch typography)
Villeurbanne (Lyon), Maison du Livre, de l’Image et du Son, 1991
Catalogue of exhibition of the same name in Lyon, France, Spring 1991.
Text in English and French.

‘Tendensen in Typografie’ (Trends in typography)
Items, Vol. 8, no. 32, 1989, Items, Vol. 9, no. 33, April 1990, Items, Vol. 9, no. 34, July 1990. Amsterdam, Sdu/Openbaar Kunstbezit, 1990.
Series of articles about the current state of affairs in Dutch typography.

‘Graphic Holland. A Prominent Place’
Dutch Arts, Design In The Netherlands, pp. 21-32. The Hague, Ministry of Science, Healthcare and Culture, 1989
Article in one of a series of publications in English intended to promote Dutch arts and design abroad.